The way an insurance company works is very different and simple:
Suppose you have a car and due to an accident your car gets damaged and it can cost you a lot to repair it. To avoid this expense, people insure their car, bike, house etc.
Now, the company charges a premium from those who insure themselves, which is like an installment.
And like this gradually the premium of all the people keeps getting collected by the company, now the company uses this fund to make payments to those people whose car has been spoilt due to any accident.
The insurance company also invests the money received from the premium elsewhere so that it can make more money from that money.
How does an insurance company work?
Look, when you insure yourself or any of your belongings, first of all you have to pay some money to the company every month in the form of installments.
Everyone’s insurance is different, some do it for 1 month, some for 1 year, some for 10 years.
But this insurance depends on when and how high is the probability of an accident happening to you or your belongings, on that basis people get themselves insured.
Apart from this, it also matters how much amount you are insuring for yourself or your belongings – Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10 lakh or Rs 1 crore.
Now if you have insured any of your belongings for 1 year, and the insurance value is ₹ 100000.
So if your goods get damaged due to any accident within that 1 year, then the company will give you a compensation of Rs 1 lakh and if your goods do not get damaged within 1 year, then whatever money you pay every month in the form of installment, that entire money becomes the company’s.
Tenure of Insurance Companies
Insurance companies can understand their term in the following order:
Risk Assessment: Insurance companies evaluate the risk of a person, property, or event to determine what type of claims might occur in the future and how much they might cost.
Determination of premium: Based on the risk assessment, insurance companies determine the amount that policy holders must pay. This premium is usually paid monthly, quarterly or annually.
Underwriting: In this process, insurance companies evaluate the risk profile of policy holders. Insurance underwriters decide what risks they will accept and how and at what rate they will provide financial protection.
Policy Publication: Once a policy is published, it specifies the terms and conditions of the financial protection. These terms include what events are covered, exclusions, limits of coverage, and the duration of coverage.
Claims management: When a policy holder suffers a covered loss or event, they must file a claim with the insurance company. Claims reviewers evaluate the claim, verify its validity and determine the amount of payment based on the terms of the policy.
Risk Pooling: Insurance companies pool premiums from many policy holders. This pooling is used to pool commercial losses when policy holders suffer covered losses.
Investment: Insurance companies invest the premiums they collect to generate additional income. This helps them manage their financial commitments, claim payments and operating expenses.
Regulation: Insurance companies are regulated by government agencies to ensure they have adequate funds to meet claim payments, professionalism, and legal requirements.
Profit and Loss: Insurance companies collect premiums from the premiums they collect from many policy holders to pay claims and expenses. This profit is paid into their operations, reserves, and to shareholders.
What is insurance?
Insurance is a financial protection plan that aims to protect you from financial losses due to an accident, illness or any other unforeseen event. You pay premiums to the insurance company for a fixed period, and in return, the company provides you with financial support if any event covered in the insurance policy occurs.
For example, if you have car insurance and get damaged due to an accident, the insurance company repairs your vehicle or compensates for the damage caused to it. Similarly, if you have health insurance and you get sick, the insurance company pays for your hospital expenses.
There are many types of insurance, some of the major types are:
Life Insurance: If you die, the company provides financial assistance to your family.
Health Insurance: If you fall ill, the company bears all your hospital expenses.
Vehicle Insurance: If your vehicle becomes unusable due to an accident, the company pays for its repair.
Home Insurance: If your house catches fire, is robbed or is damaged due to natural calamities, the company compensates for it.
What is installment?
When you insure anything then you have to pay some money to the company every month which is called installment.
The premium amount depends on what you are insuring and how likely it is to be involved in an accident, for example a young driver may have a higher premium if he or she is self-insuranced because that driver has a higher risk of being involved in an accident.
Every insurance policy covers some things and some it does not. Therefore, before buying a policy, make sure to read the terms and conditions of the company.
How does an insurance company work?
The insurance company repairs or compensates for any damage to your vehicle. Similarly, if you have health insurance and you fall ill, the insurance company pays for your hospital expenses.